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Ridstar Q20 Pro Fat Tires Vélo électrique 2*1000W Moteur 52V 20Ah Dubbelbatteri

€2.949,00 €4.359,00
Couleur: Noir


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Politique de garantie

Dans des circonstances non humaines, la batterie, le contrôleur électrique, le moteur et le cadre sont garantis pendant un an.

Il n'y a aucune garantie pour les pièces vulnérables, et la garantie pour les pièces non vulnérables varie de 1 mois à 6 mois.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 80 reviews

Great looking bike, really fun to ride, good suspension. Quality feel. Also, the seat is really comfortable.

Asher Ramirez

Received the bike in a big box and it was fairly heavy. When it came time to assemble the bike, I was a bit intimidated because Im not great at things like this, but it was pretty easy! It took about an hour, because I took my time. I charged the battery and the bike was good to go!

Maya Davis

This bike came almost all assembled. Have another person help in gettng it out of the box. It is heavy. Follow the directions and it's easy to put together.

Xavier Wilson

've put about 300km on the bike so far, and so far it's truly wonderful.

Evelyn Hayes

The 20-inch fat tires provide excellent stability and traction,making it suitable for different terrains.